In March of 2020, medical professionals reached out to Jamestown Plastics CEO, Jay Baker, and, in light of the pandemic and worldwide need for face coverings, pleaded with Baker to produce much needed face coverings. Instead of replicating what was already in existence, and in true Jamestown Plastics fashion, the team started with a blank slate and had a revolutionary new face shield designed that afternoon. The first product was in the hands of the medical professionals by 3 o’clock, the next afternoon!

Just eight days later they were in full production of the True Hero Extreme Coverage Face Shield, widely considered the best face shield ever made. And, a week later, Jamestown Plastics shipped 225,000 True Hero’s to the state of Florida for use by medical personnel in that state. Shortly thereafter there were five additional True Hero products in the line. Unparalleled responsiveness to an unprecedented need!